
The Inspired Teaching Demonstration School believes in transparency and engaging its community in understanding the policies, procedures, and governance of the school. Through the DC Public Charter School Board, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education, and through our own communications via our website, newsletters, family organizations, and open-door policies of school leadership, we strive to make information about our school’s performance and operations accessible to our community. On this page are documents and links to the following kinds of information: our charter agreement, PCSB’s site reviews, academic performance reports, equity reports, annual budgets, 990s, at-risk funding spending plan, school policies and procedures, Board of Directors information, and more.

NOTE: As required in ESEA section 1111(h)(6), parents have the right to request information regarding teacher or paraprofessional professional qualifications at any time. Please email to request this information.

ITDS submits documents to PCSB on a regular basis for review and publication. Please visit the following pages:

DC Public Charter School Transparency Hub
ITDS School Profile page via PCSB (includes school transparency documents for IDEA)

Board of Directors

The ITDS Board of Directors meets 6 times a year. Our meetings are governed by the Open Meetings Act and therefore are open to anyone who would like to observe. Below is the full calendar of meetings for the year, as well as meeting agendas and meeting minutes. The Board Chair can be reached at The Board Vice Chair can be reached at

The next meeting of the Board of Directors is Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 6:00 – 8:00 pm at the school.  The agenda will be posted below in “Board Calendar, Meeting Agendas, and Meeting Minutes” and on the public facing school website.

If you would like to view a recording of a previous meeting, please email

Key Contacts

Board of Directors:
Michelle Lerner, Board Chair
Mary Pitts, Board Vice-Chair

Title IX Contact:
Jessica Hiltabidel, Director of Culture, Equity, and Access

McKinney-Vento/Homeless Liaison:
Marni Riffkin, Social Worker

Special Education Contact:
Katrina Porter, Director of Special Education & 504

Teacher Compensation