Curriculum Overview

The ITDS curriculum is designed to ensure that all students are exposed to rigorous national standards through joyful learning experiences that are developmentally appropriate and allow for the expression of their unique interests and aptitudes.
The curriculum expresses the school’s beliefs: children are inherently good and have an innate desire to learn; every child can be successful in school; children’s energy and individuality are assets; every student possesses the ability to think critically, learn and understand information, and solve complex problems; every student should spend their time in school engaged primarily in these kinds of activities.
Primary methods of instruction include inquiry-based methods and active learning approaches, where the teacher serves as a facilitator and coach to support student learning. Instruction includes an emphasis on social-emotional learning, and classrooms will be student-centered with students working in small groups, individually, and through child-initiated play.

The goals and approaches for student learning outlined in this document serve as a framework for the student experience. However, just as a recipe is only a starting point for a wonderful dinner party, this curriculum is a jumping-off point for the teaching and learning that occurs within the classroom. Each year, students’ and teachers’ interests, current events, and contributions from families will add to and strengthen the learning experiences of students. The curriculum framework serves as a baseline to ensure that all students have an equitable and excellent learning experience each year that leaves them energized by their schooling experience and prepared for the year ahead. The students themselves contribute to the curriculum as they express their goals and interests, and as faculty and staff collaborate to respond to changing student needs.